Video: Dance Kaleidoscope Tribute to Don Hewitt

Video: Dance Kaleidoscope Tribute to Don Hewitt

Select Vignettes of California Dance Artists from Los Angeles Dance Kaleidoscope

The following video was shown at the Dance Kaleidoscope Final Tribute Performance (Don Hewitt) at the Japan America Theatre – July 21, 2001.

Video Artist: Arian Ravarour; Lighting: Eileen Cooley, Don Bondi; Program Coordinator: Lee werbel, Gail Matsui; Voice Over: Gary Bates, Eileen Cooley.


Photo: Artists presentation to Don Hewitt (center), Producing Artistic Director 13 years. Participating artists shown: Kayamanan Ng Lahi-Joel Jacinto, Victoria Koenig, Jazz Tap Ensemble, Danzas Floricanto/USA, TONGUE, Shei Wagner Rasch and Stephanie Nugent, Matthew Rushing (Alvin Ailey Co.), Ramaa & Swetha Bharadvaj, Loretta Livingston, Lula Washington with LWDC Dance Theatre.

Program Guide (Excerpts):

pdficon_large Dance Kaleidoscope Program (12MB), July 21, 2001