Daniel Cariaga

Daniel Cariaga (1935-2006) a Long Beach native, was a renowned music critic for The Los Angeles Times for over 30 years. He grew up studying piano and continued his studies at University of California, Los Angeles and California State University, Long Beach. In 1965 he joined the staff of the Long Beach Press-Telegram as the music and dance critic. After 7 years with the Press-Telegram, he joined the Los Angeles Times in 1972 as a music critic. He was also a magazine feature writer and contributor to the Metropolitan Opera’s magazine, Opera News. In 2003 he retired from The Los Angeles Times, though he continued to contribute as a freelance writer.

Further Reading:

Obituary: Los Angeles Times. “Daniel Cariaga, 71; veteran Times writer chronicled the musical life of the city” (Nov 2006):
http://articles.latimes.com/2006/nov/03/local/me-cariaga3 >>

Obituary: Los Angeles Times. “A lovely spirit in L.A.’s music community” (Nov 2006):
http://articles.latimes.com/2006/nov/06/entertainment/et-cariaga6 >>

Obituary: LA Observed. “Daniel Cariaga, music critic dies” (Nov 2006):
http://www.laobserved.com/archive/2006/11/daniel_cariaga_music_crit.php >>


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